Family ID Athletic Registration - Step by Step Instructions:
Step 1: Click on this link:
Step 2: Create an Account
Step 3: Family ID - Registration
Step 4: Family ID -Support
Additional Requirements: A physical exam must be current within the past 12 months and signed by the physician. If the student's physical expires during the season, they will not be able to play until a new physical exam is received.
Participation Eligibility Requirements:
1. Positive Citizenship: Students who represent this school in interscholastic or extra-curricular activities must be credible citizens. Students who do not have discipline referrals, in-class or out of school suspensions (but not limited to) demonstrate positive citizenship.
2. A minimum of 30 lessons are completed two weeks prior to each event. Accommodations determined by IEP’s & 504 are upheld.
3. No unexcused absences in the two weeks prior to each event (this includes truancies).
4. No tardies the week of the event.
5. A one-time (school year) sports physical must be performed by a qualified medical provider and a parent permission slip for each event 24 hours prior to travel.
6. All sport team participants must register with Family ID.
7. The school administrator and or head coach reserve the right to disqualify (temporarily or permanently) a participant from being a credible citizen should any egregious circumstances warrant.
Link to Stein Athletic Handbook
Stein offers seasonal co-ed sports including:
- Volleyball
- Flag Football
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Dodgeball